How to Prepare Your Pet for a Pet Sitter’s Visit
Having a pet sitter take care of your furry friend while you’re away can provide peace of mind, but it’s important to prepare your pet properly to ensure a smooth experience. Here are some practical tips to help you prepare your pet for a pet sitter’s visit Meet and Greet 1. Arrange an Initial Meeting Before you leave, arrange a meet-and-greet between your pet and the sitter. This will help your pet get familiar with the sitter’s scent and presence, reducing anxiety during the actual visit. 2. Provide Detailed Instructions Give the sitter detailed instructions about your pet’s routine, including feeding schedules, favorite toys, and any quirks or special needs. The more information the sitter has, the better they can care for your pet. 3. Share Emergency Contacts Ensure the sitter has your contact information and the number of your vet. It’s also helpful to provide a list of emergency